February 2024
Spotify Clone
Spotify Clone is a web application that simulates the Spotify user interface. It is a Single Page Application (SPA) that allows users to search for playlists and artists, play the songs in a playlist, and control playback. In addition, the ViewTransitions API has been used to perform transitions between the application’s views.
- Home: Shows the playlists available to the user.
- Search: Allows you to search for playlists and artists.
- Playlist detail: Shows the songs that belong to the playlist.
- Song detail: Displays the album image and artist information in a sidebar.
- Song playback: Allows you to play the songs in a playlist.
- Playback queue: Shows the songs that will be played next.
- Shuffle mode: Allows you to turn shuffle mode on and off.
- Playback control: Allows you to pause, resume, skip forward, and skip back during song playback.
- Volume control: Allows you to increase and decrease the volume of the playback.
- Use of ViewTransitions API. The ViewTransitions API is used to perform transitions between the application’s views.
- Responsive design: It has a responsive design for mobile phones, tablets, and computers.