Hi, I'm

Jordi Gómez Devesa

Full Stack Developer

+2 years of experience. Multimedia Engineer and Web Developer from Benidorm, Spain. Specialized in creating unique, interactive and accessible web applications.

A picture of Jordi Gómez Devesa

Experience in projects

  1. Self-taught learning

    After finishing my university studies, I decided to continue training on my own, taking different online courses and developing projects that allow me to enrich both my training and my personal portfolio.

  2. Full Stack Developer


    CollabTask is an app for managing and distributing tasks among a group of people in an equitable and fair way among all participants, using gamification as a tool to encourage participation and collaboration among users. This project was carried out for the Final Degree Project at the University of Alicante.

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  3. Full Stack Developer


    NutriUs is a PBL (Project Based Learning) project developed in the last year of university. The objective of the project was to achieve the complete development of a web application in a team of 5 people for 8 months. This application should have at least an administration section and a section for users that has its own graphic engine developed with WebGL.

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Full Stack Home screen of Bookstore


Bookstore is an e-commerce developed from scratch that allows you to perform all the basic functionalities of an online store.

Frontend Home screen of Spotify Clone

Spotify Clone

Spotify Clone is a web application that simulates the Spotify user interface. It has a search engine and a music player.

Frontend Home screen of Task Manager

Task Manager

Task Manager is a web application that allows users to manage the tasks of their projects.

About me

My name is Jordi Gómez Devesa and I developed my first website at 16 years old in high school. Since then, I was delighted with the world of programming, and thanks to that, I decided to study Multimedia Engineering at the University of Alicante.

I have currently finished my studies, and among my milestones during my time at the University, I highlight the opportunity to have learned by working on projects close to the real world of work. An example is NutriUs, in which we worked as a team of 5 people for 8 months, obtaining a very good evaluation, both by teachers and companies in the sector.

As a web developer, I am in a constant learning that allows me to improve my skills and knowledge, since my goal is to add value and leave a mark in every company, team or project I am part of.

A picture of Jordi Gómez Devesa with the sea in the background


Do not hesitate to contact me through this form or directly to my email.