Septeber 2021 - June 2022
This project is a web application about child nutrition that offers menus and diets for children according to the objectives/intolerances that the tutors/parents establish. While the children have an attractive environment for them to interact and earn rewards, the parents have a complete administration area where they can manage the children’s information, the menus, the dishes and the rewards they can earn with the points they accumulate.
Currently the project is not available to view online, this is because the project was hosted in a VPS subventioned by the University of Alicante only for 1 year.
NutriUs is a project that comes from the necessity of creating a web app for the 4th year of the Multimedia Engineering degree at the University of Alicante. The objective of this kind of project called “PBL project” (Project Based Learning) was to achieve the complete development from scratch of a web application with a free theme in a team of 5 people during 8 months. The only requirements were to have an administration area, a user area and an area with a custom graphic engine developed using WebGL.
System architecture

Main features
Dialogflow virtual assistant: In the parents/tutors area, we developed a virtual assistant in a chat that could keep a small talk with the user and help them with the most common questions about NutriUs. The assistant can also interact with the backend to create/edit dishes from the menu, create/edit weight and heights of the children or create/edit rewards.
WebGL graphic engine: In the children’s area, you can find multiple islands with different themes. Each island represent a different week of the month, and each day of the week has a button in the island that the children can press to see the menu of the day. The idea is that each day the children interact with the day’s menu to keep track of what they have eaten. As the children eat their way through the week, they will see that the island is becoming more lively as it fills up with new items, and they earn points that can be redeemed for rewards set by the parents/tutors.
Premium payment system: For the project to be sustainable, we established a freemium business model. The free users have access to the weekly generated menus according to the objectives/intolerances but they can’t modify none of the dishes. The premium users can modify the dishes of the menus, create their own dishes and create their own menus. The payment system was implemented using PayPal.
PDF generation: Due to the parents/tutors needs to have a physical copy for the pediatrician or nutritionist, we implemented a PDF generation system for the menus, the food tracking and the weight and height tracking.
Administration area: The administrators of the project have a complete dashboard where they can see the statistics of the project and manage the users, the children, the dishes and the menus.